2013 John Laffin Memorial Lecture

Members and their guests are invited to
The John Laffin Memorial Lecture

John Laffin 1922-2000
Sunday, 7 July 2013

Michele Bomford:
Beaten Down by Blood: The Battle of Mont St. Quentin–Peronne 1918
Graham Wilson:
Australian Railway Units of the AIF during The Great War.

 10:00 am for 10:30 am start
Randwick Barracks Function Centre
(Building 101)

Avoca Street entrance opposite Araluen Street, Randwick.

Attendees should bring photo identification e.g. licence or passport.
On-site car parking is available.

Entry: $10 per head for morning tea, a light lunch and afternoon tea.

 Security: Admission to Department of Defence site will only be granted to those people with names on the RSVP list and with photo identification.

RSVP by Friday, 28 June
to secretary@FFFAIF.org.au
phone or message the FFFAIF on
0401 467 819.

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