Fromelles Day Sydney – Solemn Vespers and Procession from the Archibald Fountain to the Anzac Memorial Commemorative Service

Solemn Vespers at St Mary’s Cathedral on Tuesday 18 July 

Commemoration in Sydney of the 101st Anniversary of the Battle of Fromelles commenced with Solemn Vespers at St Mary’s Cathedral on Tuesday 18 July at 7pm commemorating the Australians in the Battle of Fromelles. The service was led by the Very Reverend Donald Richardson, Dean of St Mary’s Cathedral, in the presence of The Most Reverend Anthony Fisher OP, Archbishop of Sydney. The Service was sung by the Lay Clerks of St Mary’s Cathedral Choir with President of FFFAIF, Jim Munro Reading from Corinthians before the Dean’s Sermon.

Lt. General Kenneth Gillespie AC DSC CSM (Ret’d), Chair, NSW Centenary of Anzac Advisory Council, together with the Dean of St Mary’s, accompanied by Pamela Richardson and Carolyn McMahon of the NSW RSL Corps of Guards and Alexander Weilsmann, FFFAIF Member and St Mary’s Cathedral liaison with the NSW RSL Corps of Guards, laid wreaths at the Statue in Memory of Fallen Soldiers completed by George Lambert in 1931. As Australia did not have an official tomb of the unknown soldier until 1993, George Lambert’s recumbent figure came to be known informally as Australia’s ‘Monument to the unknown soldier‘. Located previously in the crypt, where it was touched in the evening by the setting sun, the memorial has now been moved into the aisle of the cathedral, to give the public greater access to it.

Iain Finlay, Adjutant NSW RSL Corps of Guards recited The Ode and Corporal Luke Glasson from the Australian Army Band, Sydney sounded the Last Post and after a period of silence, sounded Rouse. Corporal Glasson was under the direction of Warrant Officer Class One Rod Cornick OAM, Regimental Sergeant Major, Joint Ceremonial NSW of the Australian Army. Following the National Anthem, there was a Blessing and Dismissal by the Dean to conclude the Vespers.

This was the first time Solemn Vespers at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney has been held to commemorate the Australians in the Battle of Fromelles. FFFAIF would like to express it appreciation to FFFAIF Member Alexander Weilsmann for organising the Solemn Vespers and to the Very Reverend Donald Richardson, Dean of St Mary’s Cathedral and St Mary’s Cathedral along with the NSW RSL Corps of Guards and the Joint Ceremonial Unit NSW of the Australian Army. Approximately 60 people participated in the Solemn Vespers.


Solemn Procession from the Archibald Fountain to the Anzac Memorial

The Families and Friends of the First AIF hosted the 101st Anniversary Commemoration of The Battle of Fromelles at The Anzac Memorial Hyde Park, Sydney on Tuesday 19 July 2017. On a warm sunny morning, the Commemoration was preceded by a Solemn Procession from the Archibald Fountain to the Anzac Memorial celebrating the bond between Australia and France in The Great War.

The Solemn Procession leaving the Archibald Fountain Image by Rob Tuckwell Photography

The Solemn Procession leaving the Archibald Fountain
Image by Rob Tuckwell Photography

The Solemn Procession was led by civic leaders and senior officers from military and civilian services. Following the Australian National Flag Party from the Australian Army were:

Professor the Hon. Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO and the President of FFFAIF, Jim Munro,
the British Consul-General Michael Ward and the Deputy Consul-General for the Republic of France M. Olivier Le Van Xieu,

Lt. General Kenneth Gillespie AC DSC CSM (Ret’d), Chair, NSW Centenary of Anzac Advisory Council and FFFAIF Committee member Jill Hayes,

Mrs Meg Green National President War Widows’ Guild of Australia and Mrs Rhondda Vanzella OAM President of War Widows’ Guild of Australia (NSW)

The Honourable David Elliott MP, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, representing the Premier of New South Wales

The Honourable Lynda Voltz MLC, Shadow Minister for Veterans’ Affairs & Sport representing the Leader of the NSW Opposition

Mr. Bill Harrigan, State Councillor RSL NSW representing the State President, and Councillor Christine Forster, representing the City of Sydney

Brigadier Neil Sweeney Commander Headquarters 2nd Division, Brigadier Phil Moses Commander 8th Brigade and Brigadier Peter Connor representing Commander, Forces Command

Chaplain (GPCAPT) Peter Friend Air Command Australia and Captain Gavin Irwin Commander, Australian Fleet Command

A/ASST COMM Rick Griffiths Fire & Rescue NSW, Inspector Sean Heany NSW Police Force and Chief Supt Michael Bray NSW Ambulance

NSW Returned and Services League of Australia Corps of Guards

 They were supported by members of the French North African Veterans’ Association (the Association des Anciens Combatants Francais (NSW)) led by M Jean Louis Worobec and, Members of FFFAIF and Descendants’ organisations including The Fromelles Association, Australian World War One Descendants and Legacy as well as descendants of soldiers who participated in the Battle.

The Solemn Procession approaching the ANZAC Memorial with Association des Anciens Combatants Francais NSW & NSW RSL Corps of Guards. Image by Rob Tuckwell Photography

The Solemn Procession approaching the Anzac Memorial with Association des Anciens Combatants Francais NSW & NSW RSL Corps of Guards.
Image by Rob Tuckwell Photography

The procession travelled the distance of “400 yards”, equivalent to the widest part of “No-man’s land” on the Fromelles battlefield, and paid homage to the 5th Division veterans marching to the Anzac Memorial for the 50th anniversary commemoration in 1966. 

 Special thanks go to FFFAIF Member and Protocol Manager for the 101st Commemoration of the Battle of Fromelles, Alexander Weilsmann who co-ordinated many of the arrangements for the Procession including liaising with the NSW Police to ensure the security for the Procession and safe passage across Park Street and establishing the Order of Procession.

Commemoration of the 101st Anniversary of the Battle of Fromelles

The participants in the Solemn Procession were greeted by FFFAIF Commemorations Officer Margaret Snodgrass and joined those gathered at the Anzac Memorial including Anzac Centenary Ambassadors and the Trustees of the Anzac Memorial.

The Holy Family Choir Menai sang some Gathering songs and led more than 200 attendees in singing O Valiant Hearts, after which Master of Ceremonies, Darren Mitchell commenced the Commemoration.

The Prologue was delivered by the Hon. David Elliott MP, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, representing the Premier of New South Wales.

Pastor Bob Durbin led a prayer, followed by Brigadier Phil Moses Commander 8th Brigade of The Australian Army delivering the Commemorative Address. Brigadier Moses, whose family lost a relative killed in the Battle of Fromelles, Commands the 8th Brigade which first saw action in the Battle of Fromelles. He reflected on how moving an experience and how humbling it had been to participate in the Solemn Procession and the Commemoration and to reflect on the service and sacrifice of those soldiers who fought at Fromelles.

Brigadier Phil Moses, Commander 8th Brigade of The Australian Army delivering the Commemorative AddressFromelles_Sydney 19 Jul 2017_136 Web Russell Family Reflection Caroline, Cameron and Sophia Jeffries

Brigadier Phil Moses, Commander                           The Russell Family Reflection:
8th Brigade of The Australian Army                         Caroline, Cameron and Sophia Jeffries
delivering the Commemorative Address                      with Master of Ceremonies, Darren Mitchell                                               
   Images by Rob Tuckwell Photography                                                

An eloquent and moving Family Reflection was delivered for The Russell Family by Sophia and Cameron Jeffries conveying the impact on their family of having brothers Arthur and William Russell participating in the Battle of Fromelles with Arthur being killed in action and his body not recovered and William being wounded along with 65% of the 54th Battalions soldiers. William was sent to England to recover before returning to the Western Front in November 1916 and continued to serve with the 54th Battalion until September 1917 when he was killed in action during the battle of Polygon Woods. The discovery of Arthur’s grave at Pheasant Wood and his identification and re-burial with full military honours and their family visits to the battlefields with their “Pop” Adrian Russell had brought the family together. They were also proud they were to have The Russell Reserve at Rouse Hill commemorate the Russell Brothers.

Wreaths were laid while Piper Jim Braid played the Lament.

 Mr Michael Ward, British Consul General, on behalf of citizens of the United Kingdom Mr Olivier Le Van Xieu, Deputy Consul General of the Republic of France, on behalf of the citizens of France The Hon David Elliott, to lay a wreath on behalf of the citizens of NSW Images by Rob Tuckwell Photography

Mr Michael Ward, British Consul General, on behalf of citizens of the United Kingdom
Mr Olivier Le Van Xieu, Deputy Consul General of the Republic of France, on behalf of the citizens of France
The Hon David Elliott, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, representing the Premier of New South Wales on behalf of the citizens of NSW
Image by Rob Tuckwell Photography
Brigadier Phil Moses, Commander 8th Brigade of The Australian Army on behalf of the 8th Brigade Mr Jim Munro, President of the Families and Friends of the First AIF, accompanied by Mrs Margaret Snodgrass OAM, in tribute to the Fallen, together with Ms Julie Werner, Mr Rene Herbert and Ms Helen Carey, in memory of the Missing

Brigadier Phil Moses, Commander 8th Brigade of The Australian Army on behalf of the 8th Brigade
Mr Jim Munro, President of the Families and Friends of the First AIF, accompanied by Mrs Margaret Snodgrass OAM, in tribute to the Fallen, together with
Ms Julie Werner, Mr Rene Herbert and Ms Helen Carey, in memory of the Missing


Fromelles_Sydney 19 Jul 2017_247 web WreathesWreaths and floral tributes     Flag Party from HMAS Kuttabul and NSW RSL Corps of Guards Images by Rob Tuckwell Photography

Wreaths and floral tributes     Flag Party from HMAS Kuttabul and NSW RSL Corps of Guards
Images by Rob Tuckwell Photography
Cameron and Sophia Jeffries laying a tribute to Arthur and William Russell on behalf of the Russell Family Image by Rob Tuckwell Photography

Cameron and Sophia Jeffries laying a tribute to Arthur and William Russell on behalf of the Russell Family
Image by Rob Tuckwell Photography

Laying wreaths were:

The Hon David Elliott, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, representing the Premier of New South Wales laid a wreath on behalf of the citizens of NSW;
Mr Olivier Le Van Xieu, Deputy Consul General of the Republic of France, on behalf of the citizens of France and
Mr Michael Ward, British Consul General, on behalf of citizens of the United Kingdom

Mr Jim Munro, President of the Families and Friends of the First AIF, accompanied by Mrs Margaret Snodgrass OAM, in tribute to the Fallen;
Ms Julie Werner, Mr Rene Herbert and Ms Helen Carey, in memory of the Missing; and
Brigadier Phillip Moses, on behalf of the 8th Brigade.

For the Fifth Division of the AIF, Mr Bill Harrigan OAM, of the Returned and Services League of Australia (NSW Branch); and
on behalf of the War Widows Guild – State President Mrs Rhondda Vanzella OAM and National President, Mrs Meg Green

Representing the Leader of the Opposition in NSW – The Honourable Lynda Voltz MLC; and
City of Sydney Councilor Christine Forster

Representing Commander, Forces Command, Brigadier Peter Connor; and
Representing Fleet Commander, Captain Gavin Irwin ; and
Representing Air Commander Australia, Group Captain Peter Friend

Professor The Hon Dame Marie Bashir AD, CVO, together with
Mr Jean-Louis Worobec, President, and others from the French Veterans’ Association in NSW (Association des Anciens Combatants Francais (NSW))

Dr Patricia Jenkings, President of the United Nations Association, NSW; together with
Mr Geoffrey Benn on behalf of The Fromelles Association; and
Mr Hadyn White, on behalf of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs

On behalf of the NSW Association of Jewish Ex-Service Men and Women – Secretary, Mr Jon Green; together with
Mr Peter Allen, of the NAJEX Centenary Program; and
on behalf of Australian World War One Descendants – Vice President, Mr Greg Cowle and Mrs Karen Dawson

Representing the NSW Police Commissioner, to lay a wreath on behalf of the NSW Police Force – Inspector Sean Heaney, Sydney City LAC; and
Representing the NSW Ambulance Commissioner, to lay a wreath on behalf of NSW Ambulance – Chief Superintendent Michael Bray; and
Representing NSW Fire and Rescue – Acting Assistant Commissioner Mr Rick Griffiths

Rev Clare Percival, and Doug Percival, relatives of Private Thuillier Cardew, recently identified and whose gravestone was being dedicated that day at the Fromelles Military Cemetery in Pheasants Wood, France; together with
Ms Annette Tebb in memory of Ernest Jentsch

Cameron and Sophia Jeffries on behalf of the Russell Family in memory of Arthur and William Russell; and
Representing The National Servicemen’s Association NSW – Secretary Mr George Sachse, whose father served at Fromelles.

Lt. General Kenneth Gillespie AC DSC CSM (Ret’d), Chair, NSW Centenary of Anzac Advisory Council, reciting The Ode. In the background Piper Jim Braid and Eddie Claxton of the Fire and Rescue NSW Band. Image by Rob Tuckwell Photography

Lt. General Kenneth Gillespie AC DSC CSM (Ret’d), Chair, NSW Centenary of Anzac Advisory Council, reciting The Ode. In the background Piper Jim Braid and Eddie Claxton of the Fire and Rescue NSW Band.
Image by Rob Tuckwell Photography

The Ode was recited by Lt. General Kenneth Gillespie AC DSC CSM (Ret’d), Chair, NSW Centenary of Anzac Advisory Council before the Last Post was sounded by Eddie Claxton of the Fire and Rescue NSW Band followed by silence and The Rouse.

After a closing prayer and blessing, the Epilogue was delivered by President of FFFAIF, Jim Munro. Mr Munro recognised that:

“Our soldiers were young, enthusiastic and imbued with the spirit of mateship, but were no match for a well prepared and battle hardened enemy. Today we honour their service and sacrifice – they did what their country asked of them. Every Australian should be aware that the impact of good and bad decisions in war will impact down through the generations. The shattered families, the trauma and debilitating injuries that changed careers and opportunities, the disabled and institutionalised men who could barely play any part in the country that had asked them to give their all – we owe it to them and their families to honour their service and sacrifice” Mr Munro said.

He said he was particularly pleased to see that another of the soldiers reported as killed with no known grave has been identified and now has his own named headstone over his final resting place. There are still about 1,100 soldiers who were killed in the Battle of Fromelles and lie in un-named graves and Mr Munro called for all Australians who have a relative killed in the Battle of Fromelles to provide a DNA sample to the Unrecovered War Casualty Unit of the Army to help identify more of these men and help them get their identity back.

Fromelles_Sydney 19 Jul 2017_250 web French Dep C-G Olivier Le Van XieuPresident of FFFAIF, Jim Munro  Lt. General Kenneth Gillespie AC DSC CSM (Ret’d), Chair, NSW Centenary of Anzac Advisory Council Professor the Hon. Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO Image by Rob Tuckwell Photography

Deputy Consul-General for the Republic of France                                President of FFFAIF, Jim Munro
M. Oliviere Le Van Xieu delivering a Message from France                       Lt. General Kenneth Gillespie AC DSC CSM (Ret’d),
Chair, NSW Centenary of Anzac Advisory Council
Images by Rob Tuckwell Photography                                                                Professor the Hon. Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO

The Deputy Consul-General for the Republic of France, M. Olivier Le Van Xieu, delivered a Message from France, expressing appreciation for Australian support since The Great War and continuing today and the National Anthems of France, the United Kingdom and Australia were sung to close the commemoration. 


Special thanks go to the Trustees of the Anzac Memorial, their staff, and contractors for providing the marquees and sound system. The presence of the Holy Family Choir of Menai and the NSW RSL Corps of Guards and the Australian Army Flag Party, who along with the French Veterans of Association des Anciens Combatants Francais (NSW) contributed significantly to the solemnity and formality of the commemoration as did FFFAIF Member and Protocol Manager for the 101st Commemoration of the Battle of Fromelles, Alexander Weilsmann and FFFAIF Committee Member Jill Hayes. Photographer Rob Tuckwell created a good photographic record and Rosie Patrielli streamed parts of the service live to the Anzac Memorial’s Facebook page at


Special thanks also to the Organising Committee of FFFAIF Members Margaret Snodgrass, Darren Mitchell and Alexander Weilsmann, Anzac Memorial Senior Operations Coordinator Belinda Mitrovich and Property Manager, Michael Trenear, Iain Finlay Adjutant and Pam Richardson Assistant Adjutant of the NSW RSL Corps of Guards, Warrant Officer Class One Rod Cornick OAM, Regimental Sergeant Major, Joint Ceremonial NSW of the Australian Army and Rosie Patrielli, Fundraising and Communications, Centenary of Anzac, Office for Veterans Affairs (NSW).


Jim Munro,
President, Families and Friends of the First AIF


Further photos


Fromelles Day Centenary Commemoration
19 July 2017
Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park Sydney

Professor the Hon. Dame Marie Bashir and FFFAIF president Jim Munro leading the Solemn Procession

Professor the Hon. Dame Marie Bashir and FFFAIF president Jim Munro leading the Solemn Procession


Coming soon

Fromelles Day Centenary Commemoration
19 July 201
Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park Sydney


Fromelles Day Centenary Commemoration
19 July 201
Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park Sydney


Coming soon


 Coming soon


Fromelles Day Centenary Commemoration
19 July 2017
Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park Sydney




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