
Red Dust (memoirs of a light horseman), Chapter 11 (final), Tpr 3073 John Gray, 6th LHR  3-20

Postscript to ‘Red Dust’: Who was ‘Donald Black’ (John Gray)? Graeme Hosken  20-21

Sgt 845 Edward Noah, 9th Bn, Graeme Hosken  22-25

The ‘Karoola’ voyage of June 1915, Sue Tongue & Graeme Hosken  26-29

Pte 2104 Herbert Bartley, 1st & 53rd Bns, Graeme Hosken  30-46

Diaries of L/Cpl William Lycett, 4th Fld Amb, Vol II (1916), Part 7, contrib. by Tim Lycett  47-50

The search for ‘Sister Murphy’, contrib. by Ros Berryman  51-54

Lieut Terence McSwiney, 23rd Bn, Graeme Hosken  55-58

Capt William Denny, 9th LHR/5th DAC/1st Div HQ/Aust HQ, Christopher Collins  59

Snapshots of the 17th Bn (No. 1): The 17th Bn Band, Greg Smyth & Graeme Hosken  60-61

Pte 455 Henry Hincks, 34th Bn, Bill Durrant  62

The McDougall VC Memorial at Norwood Park, ACT, contrib. by Michael Hall  63-64

Monash’s sword: a story of the war, Bill Durrant  64

Pte 2445 Arthur Wells, 22nd Bn, Jillann Kerr  65-66

Pte 3275 Herbert Cruickshank, 1st Bn & Provost Corps, Trevor Munro & Graeme Hosken  67-70

Pte 936 William Stevenson, Graeme Hosken, Kathy & Barry Stevenson  71-74


Regular features

Trench Talk and Contact/Membership details  2

AIF anecdote: ‘Memories of Digger days’, ‘The World’s News’  21, 25, 58

Etched in Stone, Russell Curley and Jim Corkery  75

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