The impact of the Great War, Sue Tongue 3-4
‘Overheard on a train’, anon. reporter, ‘Burnie Advocate’, 1931 4
Report on 2018 John Laffin Memorial Lecture Day, Paul Simadas 5-6
1917 letter: Pte 3774 Fred Chin, 19th Bn, found on Trove 6
2nd Lieut Jacques d’Alpuget, 54th Bn, Matt Smith 7-11
Memories of Amiens in 1916,
‘AIF’ (anon. Digger), found on Trove 11
1916 letter: Pte 433 Joseph Smith, 5th MG Bn, found on Trove 12-13
1917 letter: WOI George Whitehead, AAMC, found on Trove 13
Battle of the Lys Centenary at Merris, John Payne 14
Boy soldier stowaways, contrib. by Bill Durrant 15-16
1918 letter: Pte 3762 Bert Bishop, 55th Bn, contrib. by Pam Goesch 16
Memoirs of Pte 2369 Verdi Schwinghammer, 42nd Bn (Part 3), edited by Graeme Hosken 17-21
Pte 1926 Clarence Gordon, 54th/1st Bns, contrib. by Lesley Abrahams 22-24
How soldiers go to bed: (probably) Dvr 1620 James Hodson, contrib. by Bill Durrant 24
Pte 2653 Harold Edwards, 20th Bn, Val McKenzie 25-26
1917 letters: Pte 3312 Eric Millard, 3rd Bn, found on Trove 26
‘Murphy of Anzac’: Simpson’s donkeys, by ‘Ex-Captain’, contrib. by Bill Durrant 27-29
Armistice Day memories, (probably) Pte 2871 Harold Preston, found on Trove 29
Account of trench raid, Sgt 2682 Albert Green, 9th Bn, and AWM artefacts, found on Trove 30-33
Spr 868 Alec Gollan, 19th Bn/5th FCE, Trevor Munro 34-35
‘I got you those’, ‘Hplar’ (unknown Digger) in ‘Smith’s Weekly’, found on Trove 35
‘Sandbags’: Lieut RSM Sturges, British Army, contrib. by Bill Durrant 36-37
‘Stiffness’, ‘Franzac’ (unknown. Digger) in ‘Smith’s Weekly’ 37
How the Diggers in France reacted to the Armistice, Graeme Hosken 38-41
When did Australia receive news of the Armistice? Graeme Hosken 42-44
Armistice Day sadness for Cumnock family, Val McKenzie 45
Captain Ken Millar, 2nd Bn, and the Armistice, contrib. by Patric Millar 46
For Valour: Australian VC recipients 1918 (Part 5), 18 Sep to 5 Oct, Geoff Lewis 47-56
Ned’s nephew: Pte 2002B Fred Foster, 17th Bn, David Creenaune & Graeme Hosken 57-60
‘Some gargle’, ‘Musha’ (unknown Digger) in ‘Smith’s Weekly’, found on Trove 60
The men from Myrrhee: a town’s pictorial honour roll, Evan Evans 61-73
The Armistice: memories and hopes, Gnr 3289 Edwin Davidson, 13th FAB, found on Trove 73
November 11, 1918: The Armistice in Syria, Captain Hector Dinning, AASC/WRS 74
Regular features
Trench Talk and Contact/Membership details 2
Etched in Stone, Russell Curley and Jim Corkery 75

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