Cover photos: Men in Steele’s Post and Rest Gully, Gallipoli


President’s message

Trench talk

Letter from Gallipoli (Pte HA Smythe, 3rd Bn, describing the landing)

Fromelles speech by Les Carlyon (Melbourne Shrine, 2004)

Lieut Victor Hall (alias ‘Harry Danman’), 14th Bn

Gravestones in Bazentin (HO Teague, 2nd AFAmb) and Warren, NSW (G Reynolds, 55th Bn)

A battlefields tour (by G Franki); includes poem written 25/4/1988

Shells and snipers in France

Private 2668 Frank Howell, 54th Bn (father of GJ Howell, VC)

The Australian Comforts Fund

Etched in Stone, Part 10

The thin blue line during the Great War (NSW policemen who served)

Photo of Capt Tyson, Capt Elliot, Capt White of the 3rd Bn

Launch of ‘Wellington’s finest’

DIGGER Quiz No. 11, with answers

Travels of the Anzac Biscuits, 1988 and 1990 tour reports

C Neve (12th Bn) – a WWI hero or hoax?

Photo essay: Visit to Victoria Barracks, Sydney

Photo of Digers and civilians in Roubaix, Belgium, 1919

Anzac Day services in France, 2005

Photo of burial of four Diggers at Outtersteene, 2005 (see story in DIGGER 12)

Anzac Day in Sutton Veny, 2005

Unveiling of John Hamilton VC portrait at Miranda RSL Club