Bumper 60 page Issue

Cover photo: Members of the 9th MG Coy at training


Trench talk
In the charge at Fromelles: Sergeant John G Ridley, 53rd Btn
Best mates: Captains JH Fletcher and JA Mahoney, 24th Btn
Digger profile: Driver Robert Armstrong, 1st RANBT
2007 Fromelles Service at Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park
Corporal Ernest Corey, MM & three Bars
The Digger with two graves: Private Victor Worthington, 3rd Btn
WWI concert party (photo
In search of Cpl Ross Smith, 3rd Btn
Letters pertaining to the death of Cpl John B Ison, 3rd Btn
Wartime experiences of Sgt HJ Yeend, 24th Btn, Part 7
Digger profile: Pte FJ Dalloway, 1st MG Btn
Digger profile: Lieut James Stewart, MM & Bar, 2nd DSC & 27th Btn
WWI exhibits at the RAN Heritage Centre, Garden Island (photos plus captions)
Discovering his father: Pte Albert H Fleetwood, 46th Btn
Burial of 2885 Pte Robert Cameron, 45th Btn, at sea (news clipping)
Digger profile: BSM Reginald R Radford MM, 8th Bty, 3rd AFA
Secret victims of WWI (Belgian news clipping 1936)
Death by suicide: Sgt Percy Newman, 57th Btn
Digger profile: Pte Thomas H Kitchen, 3rd Btn
On a gift of leaves (poem by Cpl ER Henry, 3rd Btn)
Digger profile: L/Cpl Reginald Benson, 3rd Btn
Anzac Day on the Salisbury Plains, 2007
Digger profile: Sgt James V Lihou, DCM & Bar, MM, 13th Btn
Age and determination (stories from Inglewood Advertiser, 1915/16)
Digger profile: Pte James Paterson, 49th Btn
A shameful waste: Lieut Walter O Summers, 23rd Btn
Snipers, boils and bombs (stories from Inglewood Advertiser, 1916/17)
Digger profile: Signaller Morris Mundy, 3rd DSC
German in name only: Ern Heitmann, MM, 57th Btn
Tall stories (Inglewood Advertiser, 1915/16)
Bill’s Crucifix (a story by Sapper Arnold Caldwell, 14th FCE)
John Laffin Memorial Lecture: (1) Report (2) Lecture given by Sam McSkimming
Etched in Stone, Part 19
Digger Quiz No. 20, with answers