DIGGER 44 cover_website


Visiting some Western Front cemeteries, Brett Arnfield

Cpl 462 Albert Graffunder, 2nd ALHR, Mike Goodwin

Cpl 14547 John O’Brien, APC, Paddy O’Brien

Overseas members meet up at Queant Road Cemetery, Michelle Young

The Konza brothers, 3rd Bn, Trevor Munro

The Landing at Gallipoli, Lieut EV Timms (served as ‘King’), 1st Bn

The enduring legacy of war, Graeme Hosken

Pte 2112 Thomas Beenham, 27th Bn, Yves Fohlen

Smivvy’s Teef, Bert Bishop, 55th Bn (‘Smivvy’ was Cpl 3803 E Franks, 55th Bn)

Cpl 1806A Harry Conway, 33rd Bn, Andrew Pittaway

Members visit the Lost Diggers of Vignacourt exhibition, Ron Keith

Pte 2259 JJ Barry, 22nd Bn & Pte 2583 JJ Barry, 10th Bn, Graeme Hosken

CSM 3476 Charles Sydes’ medal found, Robert Henson, ‘Swan Hill Guardian’

Narrative by Cpl Len Jones, 3rd Bn, Part 6, Len Jones

AIF VCs of WWI, Part 2 (W Currey, 53rd Bn and H Dalziel, 15th Bn), Tim Reynolds

WWI Commemorations in the Gilgandra district, Margot Piggott

Lieut John Grant, 15th Bn, Mike Goodwin

‘Message in a bottle’ from Sprs 1237 H Lewis & 1236 H Blunt, 2nd DSC, Heather Ford

Letter from Spr 1236 Harry Blunt, 2nd DSC, courtesy Heather Ford

Pte 6020 Douglas Grant, 13th Bn, Andrea Gerrard

Pte 1576 Claude Lennon, 61st Bn, Stephen Brooks

Memoirs of Cpl Eric Churches, 17th Bn, Part 1, Eric Churches (courtesy Peter Benson)

WWI book reviews, Tim Reynolds

French newspaper published in English for Anzac Day, John Payne

97th Anniversary Service for Battle of Fromelles, Hyde Park, Sydney, Margaret Snodgrass

Father and son: RSM G Grace, AN&MEF, and Pte G Grace, 59th Bn, Stephen Brooks

‘Lonesome Pine, The Bloody Ridge’ released (Author, Simon Cameron)

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DIGGER Quiz No. 44: Australian VCs of WWI

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