Cover photo: Driver Clyde Overell, 5th MTC, on a Triumph motorcycle

Trench talk
Signing of John Laffin Travel Prize protocol with UNSW
Digger profile: Pte EJ Lucas, 7th Btn & 1st MG Btn
The meaning of ‘ANZAC’ pertaining to the Provost Corps
Wartime experiences of Sgt HJ Yeend, 24th Btn, Part 1
Three Australians buried at St Germain-au-Mont-d’Or, France
Using the Nominal Roll
Private Tom Robinson’s War, Part 1 (39th Btn bandsman and stretcher-bearer)
Statistics on the AIF
Digger profiles: Pte WF Riedy, 1st MG Btn and Pte DH Riedy, 45th Btn & AFC
Australian Mining Corps: fundraising venture for a Memorial
Killed by accident: Pte Arthur Lilliendal, 53rd Btn
The William Leggett Memorial, Part 2 (photo essay)
Digger profile: Driver Clyde S Overell, 5th Div Motor Transport Company
‘The Kurrajongs’: a book by Ian Small
Etched in Stone, Part 13
Digger profile: Trooper William E (Billy) Sing, 5th LHR
Diary of Pte Percy Smythe, 3rd Btn, Jan-Mar 1916
The Liverpool riots (letter extract describing)
Digger Quiz No. 14, with answers