
Memoirs of the 47 Battalion , Major John T Jones MC, RMO 47 Bn (AAMC) 3-18

Major Harold Charles Howden MC & Bar, 13 , 45 & 48 Bns, Graeme Hosken 19-24

For Valour: forgotten VCs of Russia 1919: Sgt Pearse & Cpl Sullivan, Geoff Lewis 25-27

Gallant death of Pte 1019 Henry Carseldine, 27 Bn, Chaplain WJ Stevens, 27 Bn 27

SA war artists: H Septimus Power & Pte 17954 John Charles Goodchild, Judith Green 28-29

Soldier poet: L/Sgt Leon Gellert, 9 FAmb, Judith Green 29-31

Letters: Pte 266 Robert Orchard, 2 FAmb & Sgt 2479 Noel Brinkley, 27 Bn, from Trove 31

The Duffin brothers: Pte 856 George, 18 Bn & Pte 391 Richard Duffin, 19 Bn, G Hosken 32-36

Soldier’s letter 1916: Pte 4473 Roy Ryan, 1 Bn, found on Trove 36

To save a comrade’s life: Pte 3021 Matthew Sowden, 45 Bn , contrib. by Angie Little 37

Colour spread, photos contrib. by J Skene, D Roubroeks, C Laignel, L Coman, G Hosken 38-39

Memoirs of Pte 2369 Verdi Schwinghammer, 42 Bn (Part 4), edited by Graeme Hosken 40-45

Pte 2851 Daniel McKenzie, 42 Bn , Graeme Hosken 46

Gallipoli samurai: Sgt 754 Harry Freame , Brian Tate, contrib. by Bill Durrant 47-51

The work of the 2 Pioneer Battalion in 1918 , some figures from Neville Browning’s book 51

19 July men: Cpl 1252 Alfred Tuck, 29 Bn & Cpl 1520 William Ryan, 31 Bn, Geoff Lewis 52-58

Colonel Reynell & the 9 LHR at Hill 60 , Tpr 788 WC Dunstall, 9 LHR, 5 DAC, 13 FAB 58

Lieut Alfred Farleigh MC, 33 Bn , Graeme Hosken and John Skene 59-61

Tpr 2954 Garnet Mawbey, 7 LHR, Trevor Munro 62-64

Sydney University men in the Great War & work of John Le Gay Brereton , John Ramsland 65-74


Regular features

Trench Talk and Contact/Membership details 2

Etched in Stone, Russell Curley and Jim Corkery 75

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