Cover photo: Fresh recruits at Liverpool Camp, January 1915


Trench talk

Digger profile: Gnr Andrew Gray, 56th Siege Battery

Deaths of Pte Lacey and Sgt Delbridge, 48th Btn

Anzac Day at Baverstock, Salisbury Plains, 2006 (with photos)

Digger profile: Pte Francis R Darmody, 1st Btn

John Laffin Travel Prize: runner-up essay by Patrick Moloney, UNSW

Sgt Albert G Burt, 1st Anzac Intelligence Dept

The death of Pte James Cowan, 48th Btn

Digger profile: Pte CEW Hyde, 4th DAC

Letter from Trooper W Fair Jones, 12th LHR

Digger profile: Cpl W Fair Jones, 12th LHR & 36th Coy ASC

Obituary notice for RC Werrett, 22nd Btn

Letter and profile: Cpl Will Holtham, 8th MG Coy, later Lieut. AFC

Wartime experiences of Sgt HJ Yeend, 24th Btn, Part 4

Australia’s youngest VC: Pte John WA Jackson, 17th Btn

Etched in Stone, Part 16

Digger Quiz no. 17, with answers

2006 AGM report with photos