Cover photo: Departure of first contingent 1914

Trench Talk & contact/membership details

Tom Matthews, 52nd Battalion

NSW lawyers who served on Gallipoli

Follow-up: WWI nurses; L/Cpl A Smith, 45th Bn          

Soldiering in the blood

Paul Kendall’s ‘Bullecourt 1917’

Pte John Clarke, AAMC

Frank Tindale: veteran of three wars

Pte James Cairns

Poem: ‘An Anzac’s Fair’

Hector Deslandes, 22nd Battalion

Trooper Frederick White, APC & brothers

Sergeant James Brown MM, 11th Battalion

Sgt Stanley Carpenter DCM, 2nd Battalion

John Laffin Memorial Lecture 2010

L/Cpl ‘Dick’ Bridle, 2nd MG Squadron

FFFAIF Western Front tour group photo

Fromelles (Pheasant Wood) Cemetery opening

Captain Hugh Buckley, 22nd Battalion

Etched in Stone

DIGGER Quiz No. 32

Photos from Fromelles, 19 July 2010

DIGGER Quiz No. 32 answers

Commemoration at Aeroplane Cemetery