Lieut Francis William Goodwin MC, 8th Bn, Evan Evans and Heather Armstrong 3-23
Medical diagram found in service record of Lieut AO Duprez, 3rd Bn, Graeme Hosken 23
Billeting of 26th Bn in Belgium after the Armistice, Claire Dujardin and Alison McCallum 24-25
Search for Belgian man’s Aussie great-grandfather, Claire Dujardin 25-26
Cpl 746 John Tomlinson, 1st LHR/Provost Corps, Trevor Munro 27-29
Poem: ‘The soldier’s prayer’, found by Heather (Frev) Ford on Trove 29
Gallipoli memoirs: Pte 175 James Lewis, 23rd Bn, found on Trove 30-31
Pte 1746 David Gow, 45th Bn, Val McKenzie 32-37
Colour spread: Photos relating to the AIF in France 1918, Various contributors 38-39
Voices of Birralee: Australia’s Centenary Choir, Julie Christiansen OAM, with Geoff Lewis 40
Gallipoli Memoirs: Pte 771 Garnet Rundle, 12th Bn, found on Trove 41-44
Lieut Horace Gilchrist, 7th LHR, Stephen Brooks 45
Battlefield burial of Thomas, Russell, McGannon and Sims, 23rd Bn, Graeme Hosken 46-55
Lieut William Salvatori, 34th Bn: the man who lost his memory, Bill Durrant 56
Pte 2721 Robert Tibbs, 2nd Bn, remembered at Blayney, contrib. by Tony Nixon 57-58
Letter from 1917: Pte 876 Leslie Carter, 8th/46th Bns, found on Trove 58
The war after the war, Tina Horsfall, John Laffin History Prize recipient, Deakin University 59-62
Volunteers sought to help with Kyoomba RSL Project, Graeme Hosken and Deb Wheeler 62
Battle of Lys Centenary at Merris and Vieux Berquin, April 2018, John Payne 63-65
For Valour: Australian VC recipients 1918 (Part 2: June and July), Geoff Lewis 66-74
Pte 4794 Waldimar Anderson, 32nd Bn, Bill Durrant 74
Regular features
Trench Talk and Contact/Membership details 2
Etched in Stone, Russell Curley and Jim Corkery 75

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