Australian DIGGER stories on-line

The Families and Friends of the First AIF has brought its vast collection of Australian DIGGER stories on-line for its Members.

First Issue 2002  and 2003

All 78 editions of DIGGER published from October 2002 are now available for reading on-line or downloading to FFFAIF Members. Comprising more than 4,000 pages of Australian DIGGER stories, the focus is on the stories of individual soldiers, the majority of which were published for the first time in DIGGER and provided by FFFAIF members.



DIGGER_70_Mar20 DIGGER_71_Jun20 DIGGER_72_Sep20 DIGGER_73_Dec20


DIGGER_62_Mar18  DIGGER_63_Jun18  DIGGER_64_Sep18  DIGGER_65_Dec18

By browsing the “wall” of cover images under the DIGGER drop down menu, individual issues may be selected and the Table of Contents viewed.
To assist in locating stories, the Tables of Contents have been consolidated and are able to be searched using the web-site Search feature or can be downloaded and searched.
Researchers and those interested in soldier stories of the Great War will be able to search for individual soldiers, places and battles.

FFFAIF Members are able to access the full back catalogue of Australian DIGGER stories on-line, free of charge.
Non-members have the opportunity to purchase casual copies of DIGGER or apply for FFFAIF Membership to gain access to the pass-word protected Members-only area of the website. To assist in locating references to individual soldiers and their units, comprehensive indexes are available in the Members Area.

FFFAIF Members and the DIGGER team, in the back catalogue of Australian DIGGER stories on-line, have built a “national resource”.  There are stories relating to thousands of members of the First AIF, now available on-line and free of charge to Members. There are many stories yet to be told and Members and other researchers are invited to submit stories for publication to

Acknowledgements and credits for the DIGGER Team:

The Contributors, mostly FFFAIF members, who have told or shared their stories or items of interest.
FFFAIF Secretary Graeme Hosken has edited issues 9-78. Inaugural President Craig Laffin edited issues 1-8.
Past President Russell Curley has been the proof-reader for all issues and compiled the Index for issues 1-24. Geoff Lewis has compiled the Indexes for issues 25-65. Kelly Henderson has developed the consolidated index.
Aaron and the team at the Colour Copy Shop at Dubbo have printed issues 22 to 78. Former Membership Secretary Alan Kitchen printed earlier issues. Past Committee Member Trevor Munro has assisted in packaging and distribution of DIGGER.
FFFAIF’s former Web-Manager Chris Bartolo set up many of the web postings for issues 1-49 and Past President Russell Curley and President Jim Munro have extended these.

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