DIGGER 36 cover website


Cover photo: Diggers out of the battle

Trench Talk & contact/membership details

Imperial Reservists from Australia

Dawn Service at Villers-Bretonneux, 2011

Capt Robert Gordon, 1st Bn Northamptonshires

Naming of the AW Barry Bridge

Sgt George Long, 5th FA, at Hill 60, Gallipoli

L/Sgt Ian MacInnes, 2nd Bn

17th Battalion at Munster Alley, 1916

Ada Maria Hogg – volunteer aid worker

Lieut Stirling McWilliam, 9th LHR

Capt Roy Harrison, 2nd Bn, at Lone Pine

Victor Harbor war trophy

L/Cpl Richard Pitts DCM, 20th Bn

Sgt Ormond Collins, 24th Bn

L/Cpl Francis Yorath, 5th Bn

33rd Battalion orders – humour

Cpl John Gall, 49th Bn

Identities sought for soldiers (from photos)

Capt Duncan Mulholland, 1st MG Bn

A sad day for the 2nd Battalion

Gunner Clifford James, 2nd FAB

Pte Joseph Skewes, 58th Bn

95th Fromelles Commemorative Service, Sydney

Sgt Edwin Reardon, 40th Bn, at Mont St Quentin

Miss McConaghy and the Provost Corps

Lieut Henry Renny-Tailyour, RE

Rededicating the Bodangora War Memorial

Bodangora’s Maxim machine gun returns

The Thomas brothers (Syd, Perc & Ern)

Major Southey, RMO 2nd Bn – humour

Mittagong War Memorial (R Pitts)

Lieut Maynard of the 17th Bn at Passchendaele

The Irvin brothers go to war

Pte Charles Ah Tuck (Tucker), 16th Bn

Sgt Arthur Upward, 4th DAAOC

Tpr George Seager, 9th LHR

The hands of time (presentation watches)

4th Battery cooks – humour

Etched In Stone

DIGGER Quiz No. 36 (19th Battalion)

Toronto Ave Cemetery service (John Luff)

Unit history reprints

Answers to DIGGER Quiz No. 36