DIGGER 49 Contents
Articles :
A Coo-ee at Puchevillers, Brett Arnfield
Pte Herman Bowles, 2nd MG Bn, Yves Fohlen
On active service: Sgt John Falconer, 18th Bn, Part 1, courtesy Neil Falconer
Reginald Buller, AN&MEF, RANBT, RANR, Greg Swinden
Mouquet Farm, Ron Keith
L/Cpl George Leach, 1st Pioneers, Graeme Hosken
Lieutenant Wesley Taylor MC, 32nd Bn, Andrew Pittaway
2014 AGM report, Russell Curley
Lone Pine cone morphs into guitar, Kathryn Barton
Perceptions of ANZAC ‘across the ditch’, Geoff Lewis
The Tingira boys in the Sydney-Emden action, George Franki
Sydney’s AN&MEF plaque, Greg Knight
Cpl Vere Syme, 2nd LHR, Peter Tremain
Book release: ‘Honours and Awards of the Army’, Major General Gordon Maitland
The Brooks brothers (of Jamestown, SA), David Brooks
John McNamara (a Coo-ee), Extract from ‘The Coo-ee March’, John Meredith
Captain Roby Manuel DFC & Bar, 2nd Sqn AFC, Graeme Hosken
Pte Thomas Ellis, 3rd Bn Signals, Geoff Lewis
German concentration camps guards’ reunion, courtesy Ann McLachlan
Coincidence or providence? Tim Lycett
Photos from Mena, 1915, HG Carter collection, courtesy Peter Morrissey & Shirley Clifton
‘Discovering Anzacs’ website and ‘100 Years of Anzac’ Facebook App released
Pte David Kneller, 33rd Bn, Rod Carpenter
The Diggers’ Commandments, 2058 ‘A’ Coy, 24th Bn, courtesy Margaret McIntosh Clarke
The Battle of Broken Hill, January 1915, Brett Arnfield
Lieutenant Joe Maxwell VC, MC & Bar, DCM, 18th Bn, Emeritus Professor John Ramsland