On-going Research Projects

FFFAIF members have a wide variety of research projects underway. Can you assist in providing information, photos etc to these projects? The projects include:

  • Provost Corps of the 1st AIF
  • Descendants of the missing from the Battle of Fromelles
  • 1st AIF soldiers buried on the Salisbury Plain UK
  • Accidental deaths of AIF members during the Great War
  • Overseas War Brides of 1st AIF
  • Bands of the 11th Brigade: 41st, 42nd, 43rd & 44th Battalions
  • Australian War Graves Photographic Archive
  • “Their Faces” – those who made the supreme sacrifice at Bullecourt

If you would like to know more about any of the projects or have any information you would like to share please contact secretary@fffaif.org.au

AIF Band in France November 1917