DIGGER 48 cover w

DIGGER 48 Contents


 The outbreak of war in 1914: Sydney takes up the cause, Tony Cunneen

Fromelles Day Service, Sydney 2014, Margaret Snodgrass

The Allen brothers: Leslie (12th Bn); Paul (51st Bn); Edwin (40th Bn); James (26th Bn), Stephen Brooks

‘A fine line’: Lieutenant General Birdwood on cowardice, Trevor Munro

Died of sunstroke: Pte Ferdinand Clifton, 9th Bn, Kathryn Simpson

Fitter Charles Johnson MM, 3rd ALROC, Bill Latham

Private Denis Sherry, 36th Bn, David Harrower

Postscript: CSM Will Rose, 55th Bn, Sue Tongue

Private George Lemon, 45th Bn, Margo Piggott

Narrative by Cpl Len Jones, 3rd Bn, Part 10 (Final), Len Jones (courtesy the Mannells)

Trooper Alfred Ellis, 1st LHR, Geoff Lewis

Connections in Mackay, Queensland, Robert ‘Mac’ Walker

Letter from Salisbury Plain, Pte Stanley Starr, 33rd Bn, courtesy Rod Carpenter

Arthur Wheen’s letters from the Front, 54th Bn, John Ramsland

Follow-up: Provos and swords, Trevor Munro

A French connection: Merris to Milperra, John Payne

‘The first man and the first shilling’: the Battle of Bitapaka, Phillip Mannell

Chapter 5: Kabakaul, Phillip Mannell