News and Search

Current News items can be accessed through our Home Page or by clicking on a Recent News Topic listed on the right of this page.

The FFFAIF website was launched on Australia Day in 2008. Since then over 400 postings have appeared on the original website.
All of these postings continue to be available on-line and it is easy to search this resource of both recent and historical events. To do so, use the Search Field located on the top right of web page (just above ‘Upcoming Events’). Simply enter the topic you are searching for in the search field at the top of the screen and click. Alternatively use the PAST NEWS drop down menu, located below the FFFAIF Photo strip, on the right hand side of the page.


Welcome to the official website of the
Families and Friends of the First AIF Inc.

The Families and Friends of the First AIF Inc (FFFAIF Inc) is Dedicated to Digger Heritage and Keeping The Memory Alive (KTMA) of the First AIF Diggers who served in the Great War of 1914 -1918.


Memories of the 2016 Commemorative Tour to the Western Front

The 2016 FFFAIF Commemorative Tour, like the previous 2010, 2012 & 2014 FFFAIF Commemorative Tours was a resounding successes. Click here for highlights of the 2016 Tour


Memories of the 2014 Commemorative Tour to the Western Front and Blighty

On the 14th July members embarked on a 12 day tour following in the footsteps of the original Anzacs across the Western Front.

On the 26th July members embarked on another 12 day memorable tour through France to Normandy and across the Channel to Blighty.


Memories of the 2012 Commemorative Tour to the Western Front and Gallipoli including several visits to Anzac Cove.

Members embarked on 2nd July to  spend 14 days on the Battlefields of the Western Front following in the footsteps of the men of the First AIF and 13 nights in Turkey to visit the battlefields of the Gallipoli Campaign.
