D52 cover001

Photo: A group of Diggers from Tumut, NSW, photographed in camp in France, 1917. Courtesy of Paula Cavanough, who writes: “My grandfather, Bill Sturt, standing at the back with his hand on Gus Keown’s shoulder. 520 Percy McAlister is on the right of Gus Keown. Frank Henery and 506 Walter Malone are on the left end of the middle row and Fred Malone and Tom Malone on the left end of the front row.” See also pages 2 and 20 for details of these men.


Gallipoli’s first MM awarded to Edward Roberts, 2nd Bn, Patric Millar 3-6
L/Cpl Charles Grimson DCM, 4th LHR, Extract from ‘The Molong Times’ 6
Pte Frederick Graham, 48th Battalion, Andrew Pittaway 7-8
Pte George Ellis, 20th Bn, Geoff Lewis 9-14
My Gallipoli Centennial pilgrimage, Louise Coman 15-16
Book release: ‘ANZAC & Its Enemies’, Mervyn Bendle 16
The horrors of Lone Pine, Pte Reginald Cole, 3rd Bn, and Major Roy Harrison, 2nd Bn 17-20
Photo: Soldiers from Tumut district, contributed by Paula Cavanough 20
On active service: Sgt John Falconer, 18th Bn, Part 4 (final), courtesy Neil Facloner 21-29
Pte Edgar Abbott, 8th MG Coy, Yves Fohlen 29
Reverend Chaplain James Green, Trevor Munro 30-31
Photo: Mrs Ellis and her boys (from Cowra), Graeme Hosken 31
James Brunton Gibb, 7th FA and ‘The Anzac Coves’, Judith Green 32-35
Diaries of L/Cpl William Lycett, 4th FA/15th LROC, Part 3, contributed by Tim Lycett 36-42
Photos from National Portrait Gallery’s Great War exhibition, Graeme Hosken 42
Pte Walter Creenaune, 3rd MG Bn, Graeme Hosken and David Creenaune 43
For Valour: VCs awarded at Gallipoli, Pt 3: Hamilton, Shout, Bassett, Throssell, G Lewis 44-51
Death of Gunner Roy Dean, Extracts from ‘The Molong Times’    51
Billeting the AIF in Charleroi region, Belgium, 1918-19, Claire Dujardin 52-56
Underground warfare at Gallipoli: L/Cpl Cyril Rankin DCM, 4th FCE, Geoff Lewis 57-61
Pte Frederick Pratt, 3rd Bn, Trevor Munro 62
Two pennies: connecting Australia and Villers-Bretonneux, Vicki Bennett 63-64
Members visit Gallipoli, Sue Tongue, accompanied by Daphne Tongue (nee Laffin) 64
‘Tubby’ Clayton and the ‘Toc H’ movement, contrib. by A Harrison, Dept of J & A-G, Qld 65-67
Capt Herbert Foxton, 25th Bn, Norah Mines 68-69
Post-Armistice tour of the battlefield, Jessie Bage, BRC, contrib. by Heather ‘Frev’ Ford 70-72
Photos: Cudal Cemetery (NSW), Graeme Hosken 72
Lieut Hugh Buntine, 33rd/35th Bns, Rod Carpenter 73
Report: John Laffin Memorial Lecture, Canberra 2015, Jim Munro 74

Regular features

Trench Talk and Contact/Membership details 2
DIGGER Quiz No. 52: Battles of mid 1916 – April 1917, Maurice Campbell 14
Answers to DIGGER Quiz 61
Etched in Stone, Russell Curley and Jim Corkery 75