Category Archives: Villers-Bretonneux

New look for V-Bret.

Horticultural work at the Australian National Memorial at Villers-Bretonneux by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) is now well underway. The work was advised by the CWGC in December 2009 and is due for completion during 2010. For an outline of the … Continue reading

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*ANZAC DAY, Villers Bret., France. '09

ANZAC DAY 2009 was not only commemorated throughout Australia but also overseas. This week’s report and photographs come from French FFFAIF member Yves Fohlen telling of his experiences at Villers Bretonneux on ANZAC DAY. (49o53’10.83”N, 2o30’29.68”E). Villers Bretonneux Dawn Service … Continue reading

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V-Bret. Renovations.

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission has recently announced a major, three-year horticultural renovation project at Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery in France. Photo: View from the top of the Australian National Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux. [Chris Munro] The announcement was made on the Commissions … Continue reading

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*Remembrance Tour.

FFFAIF member Mike Goodwin  has recently returned from leading the fifth overseas tour with students from the ‘Lest We Forget’ history project of Mackay North State School in Queensland.  To glimpse some of what happened on the trip Mike has sent … Continue reading

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