Category Archives: Christmas

1918 Christmas and New Year Greetings

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Season’s Greetings

The Management Committee of the FFFAIF is taking a break for the next month or so and the office will be, as they say, ‘unattended’ until 28 January 2013. The next scheduled Committee Meeting of the FFFAIF will be held … Continue reading

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Snow in Fromelles

Guillaume Moreel has sent some outstanding photos of the snow at the Cobbers statue and at VC Corner Australian Cemetery near Fromelles. Guillaume is the grandson of Madame Marie-Paule Demassiet, the lady who donated the land at Pheasant Wood that included the … Continue reading

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Snow in Polygon Wood

Johan Vandewalle, who operates the ANZAC Rest (de Dreve) cafe at Polygon Wood and was a key person in the recovery of the 5 Australian soldiers at Zonnebecke and the subsequent identification of 3 of them, has sent the following photographs of … Continue reading

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Western Front Christmas

As Christmas Day approaches it is time to reflect on the Christmas experiences of the AIF during the Great War. Photo: Christmas silk postcard [Hosken Collection] The following poem was written by Private Leslie George Rub (No 3892) 2nd Pioneer … Continue reading

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'09 Christmas Greetings

Photo: Christmas silk postcard [Hosken Collection] Throughout 2009 this website has been updated on a regular basis. The number of times the site has been visited now exceeds 79,000 since the launch on Australia Day 2008. This week’s Web … Continue reading

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*Christmas Gift Idea

Looking for a unique gift for Christmas. Why not consider a Pinus halepensis or Lone Pine? Photo: Lone Pine tube stock available from Yarralumla Nursery in the ACT The history of the Lone Pine in Australia can be traced back to … Continue reading

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Christmas Truce.

The first Christmas of The Great War on the Western Front provides a story of how, in the midst of the destruction caused by a war waged on a 600 mile front using the industrial mechanisation that produced machines guns … Continue reading

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