Category Archives: CWGC

Fromelles' Dedication

Bright sunshine and clear blue skies shone over the northern French village of Fromelles on the 19th July 2010, the 94th Anniversary of the Battle of Fromelles, as more than 5,500 people gathered to witness the burial of the 250th … Continue reading

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Remembering Fromelles

On 1st July 2010 the Commonwealth War Graves Commission will release its latest publication – Remembering Fromelles. Remembering Fromelles covers the story behind the new Fromelles (Pheasant Wood) Cemetery:  ‘In May 2009 archaeologists began to excavate the remains of 250 British and … Continue reading

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Fromelles layout, photos

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s Remembering Fromelles website and the Australian Army Fromelles Project Group (AFPG) website have both been updated following the release of the names of the soldiers identified as being buried by the German Army near Pheasant Wood … Continue reading

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Re-burial video

The latest edition of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission e-newsletter contains footage of the re-burial service at the Fromelles (Pheasant Wood) Cemetery held on 30 January 2010. To view the CWGC coverage of the service click here. Photo: Awaiting the arrival … Continue reading

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CWGC Trial !!

The Railway Chateau Cemetery is located close to Ieper and has been chosen by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission as one of four cemeteries on the Western Front to undergo a trial landscaping project. Photo: Railway Chateau Cemetery, before the … Continue reading

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