2014 Annual General Meeting



The AGM this year will be held on
Saturday 11th October, 2014.

Registration from 2:15pm

Meeting Commences: 2:30pm

Venue: Penrith RSL Club
8 Tindale Street
Penrith NSW

RSVP: 03/10/2014

Financial Members: If you are attending the AGM, please email secretary@fffaif.org.au or phone 0401 467 819 or write to the Secretary (address below) by close of business on 3rd October 2014. For further details see DIGGER 48, which will soon arrive in your mail box.

If you haven’t renewed your membership, there is still time before the AGM. Please contact the Secretary, by email secretary@fffaif.org.au or by phone 0401 467 819 or in writing to:

The Secretary FFFAIF Inc
PO Box 4208
Oatley West
NSW 2223

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