FFFAIF announces 2018 Western Front Commemorative Tour

Following the success of the FFFAIF Commemorative Tours in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 for its Members, the FFFAIF is again undertaking a Commemorative Tour to the battlefields of the First World War in Belgium and France in 2018. The 17 day Tour commences on 1st July 2018 and will be present at the Australian Corps Memorial, Le Hamel for the official DVA Centenary commemorations on the 4th July 2018.


Shrapnel Charlie’s Diggers at Le Hamel, 25 July 2010. Photo: Colin Kidd

The 93 minute Battle of Hamel on 4th July 1918 was Sir John Monash’s “model” battle that proved a turning point in the Great War and helped lay the foundations for the allied victories of 1918.


Participants will immerse themselves in the history of The Great War as they follow in the footsteps of our ANZAC and Commonwealth forebears. The tour will visit Mons to understand how the British Expeditionary Force and French retreat thwarted the German invasion plan, and encompass the major battlefields across Belgium and France and visit Charleroi, the final encampment location after the war for most Australian Diggers before embarkation home.

VB ANZAC Day 2009 _websiteFromelles (Pheasant Wood) Cemetery_website

The Tour will also explore the historic battlefield of Waterloo and visit the cultural centre of Bruges, home to Flemish and Dutch Painting Masters and amazing scenery.

Poziers Town sign & water tower_websiteLions return to Menin Gate 24 April 2017 DSCN0732 (Medium)

“The journey of a lifetime” is how many participants of previous FFFAIF Commemorative Tours have described their experience. FFFAIF members with specialist battlefield knowledge combine with the local knowledge of our European FFFAIF Members to enable tour participants to experience a customized tour that attempts to get each participant to a significant  cemetery, memorial and/or location on the battlefield, that links them to their past.

Tyne Cot Cemetery

To join FFFAIF members on this Tour, Contact David Wright, Travel Agent supporting the tour by email to tour@fffaif.org.au.

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