What's new at NAA?

The National Archives of Australia is currently hosting an exhibition, in Canberra, entitled Shell Shocked: Australia after the Armistice.


NAA describes the exhibit as exploring how the community dealt with the lingering effects of the war over the next 20 years.

The National Archives of Australia’s website has recently introduced a new feature called Mapping Our Anzacs.

This feature identifies the number of soldiers who were born in each town and how many enlisted in the town.  It appears to be based on the information in the enlistment Attestation Papers.


It provides the opportunity to find a service person, add a note or photo to the scrapbook, build a tribute. For more details click here.


The Families and Friends of the First AIF thanks the Australian, UK and French governments for affording Australian and British soldiers – presently buried in mass graves at Pheasant Wood – dignified individual reburials in a new CWGC cemetery at Fromelles, and applauds Minister Snowdon and his British counterpart, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence and Minister for Veterans, Kevan Jones MP, for their joint decision to DNA test the remains at exhumation and use every reasonable method to attempt identification of each soldier.


 FFFAIF supports the inscription of “FROMELLES” on National and State Memorials

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