New Patron for FFFAIF

The President of FFFAIF, Russell Curley announced, on February 15, that Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, AC Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia has honoured FFFAIF by accepting the position as Patron-in-Chief of Families and Friends of the First AIF Inc. 

Russell said ‘Vice-Regal Patronage is the highest distinction that our association will ever have bestowed upon it’. At the 2008 Annual General Meeting, the membership voted unanimously to invite the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia to become Patron of our association and ‘I’m sure you’ll join with me in thanking Ms Bryce for accepting the invitation and welcome her.’


The following brief outline of Ms Bryce’s achievements is taken from the Governor-General’s website, , where you will find much more detailed information on this ‘outstanding lady’; her husband, His Excellency Mr Michael Bryce AM AE and the Office/Role of the Governor-General.

 Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, AC
Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia
BA. LLB (Qld). Hon LLD (Macquarie). Hon DLitt (Charles Sturt). Hon DUniv (Griffith). Hon DU (QUT). Hon LLD (Qld)

Quentin Bryce was born in Brisbane in 1942 and spent her early years in Ilfracombe, a small town in Central Western Queensland. In 1965, she graduated with the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws from The University of Queensland and, in the same year, was admitted to the Queensland Bar. She has since enjoyed a rich and distinguished career as an academic, lawyer, community and human rights advocate, senior public officer, university college principal, and vice-regal representative in Queensland, and now Australia.


Ms Bryce recently visited the Western Front and on 9 November visited V.C. Corner Cemetery, The Australian Memorial Park and Pheasant Wood at Fromelles prior to representing Australia with world leaders at the commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of the Armistice on Remembrance Day. Click here to see more details.

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