The list of 75 Australian soldiers whose remains were recovered from the burial pits at Pheasant Wood and whose identities have been established by the Fromelles Joint Identification Board was released on Wednesday 17 March 2010. The list is available on the Department of Defence website and can be access by clicking on the following link: Soldiers Identified at March 2010 Joint Identification Board.
Further information is available below on some of these soldiers by clicking on the links following their names.
Contributions of photographs and profiles of soldiers are most welcome and can be sent to
1602 Lance Corporal BENNETT Allan, 32nd Battalion: buried at Plot 2 Row E Grave 15;
The West Australian article Fromelles gives up secrets after 94 years features an interview with relatives of Lance Corporal Allan Bennett.
1682 Private BOURKE Harold John, 30th Battalion: buried at Plot 3 Row B Grave 5;
Read how Harold enlisted at his third attempt in Hit in No-Man’s Land
The article in the Newcastle Herald: Relief as Hunter diggers at rest advises that Corporal Hassell Marsden Harding Kendall, of Singleton, Private Harold John Bourke, of West Maitland, and Private William Bruce Higgins, of Gloucester, have been identified.
Read how his prominent family made extensive enquiries to find his grave in Equal-in-death
Lieutenant CHINNER Eric Harding, 32nd Battalion: buried at Plot ? Row ? Grave ?;
Read how his family’s correspondence relating to the search for his body was one of the key pieces of information that helped Lambis Englezos establish that the Australian Graves Services had searched for graves at the centre of Pheasant Wood but not where the burial pits were located. Follow the link to the AWM’s Wartime #44 magazine article: Another brick in the wall.
Lt. Chinners story featured in the Flinders News item: Local soldier among unidentified at Fromelles?
4179 Private CRESSY Henry Alfred (Harry), 54th Battalion: buried at Plot 2 Row C Grave 11;
Read extracts of Harry’s diary and how his family was reunited with his portrait in Pte Cressy Is Home
3047 Private DEWAR Robert Arthur, 55th Battalion: buried at Plot ? Row ? Grave ?;
Private Bob Dewar was born in Plaistow, London and after migrating to Austraia worked as a tram conductor in Sydney. Read more details in his Rec cross Wounded and Missing Bureau file at
3560 Private DYSON Frederick Arthur, 54th Battalion: buried at Plot 3 Row A Grave 1;
Private Dyson’s story is featured in the Macleay Argus article Don’s DNA points to war grave
491 Private ESAM Harold, 31st Battalion: buried at Plot 3 Row C Grave 8;
Private Esam’s story is featured in The Warrnambool Standard articles Two lost soldiers found at last and A bittersweet end to Harold’s sad story
Read how Norman continued on after being wounded in I regret to inform you
The story of Private Higgins is told in Gloucester Advocate articles: Forever linked to Fromelles and Trevor stitches a place in history
The article in the Newcastle Herald: Relief as Hunter diggers at rest advises that Corporal Hassell Marsden Harding Kendall, of Singleton, Private Harold John Bourke, of West Maitland, and Private William Bruce Higgins, of Gloucester have been identified.
The West Australian article Fromelles gives up secrets after 94 years features an interview with relatives of Private Arnold Holmes.
William John HOWARD served as 258 Private MORLEY John, 31st Battalion: buried at Plot 4 Row E Grave 3;
Read how William John Howard from Yambuk became Private Jack Morley from Calcutta to enlist in: Uncle Jack Morley.
Private John Morley is also featured in The Warnambool Standard article Two lost soldiers found at last
4315 Private JOHNSTON Cyril, 54th Battalion: buried at Plot 1 Row D Grave 6;
The Inverell Times article: Schoolteacher found in war grave features Private Cyril Johnston
365 Corporal KENDALL Hassell Marsden Harding, 31st Battalion: buried at Plot 2 Row F Grave 16;
The Singleton Argus articles Fromelles soldier of 24 March and Fromelles soldier of 30 March identifies Corporal Hassell Marsden Harding Kendall as working in Singleton at the time of his enlistment and tells his story, courtesy of Singleton Family History.
The article in the Newcastle Herald: Relief as Hunter diggers at rest advises that Corporal Hassell Marsden Harding Kendall, of Singleton, Private Harold John Bourke, of West Maitland, and Private William Bruce Higgins, of Gloucester, have been identified.
2873 Private MAYER Henry, 55th Battalion: buried at Plot 4 Row B Grave 5;
Read how Henry’s identity discs were handed in to 55th Battalion Headquarters in From Red Cross Files
Colin MEYERS served as 2055 Private MORGAN Cecil, 31st Battalion: buried at Plot 1 Row B Grave 7;
The Canberra Times article Locals among the Fromelles found notes that Private Cecil Morgan was born in Goulburn.
3282 Private MOMPLHAIT Alfred Victor, 32nd Battalion: buried at Plot 4 Row B Grave 2;
Read how Alfred was killed just over a year after enlistment in KIA on 1st Anniversary
3393 Private MOORE William, 53rd Battalion buried at Plot 1 Row F Grave 8;
The Mercury article War heroes not forgotten written by the great nephew of Private William Moore details the life and death of William and his brother Hugh in the Great War.
The Diamond Valley Leader article Digger lost, then found thanks to Watsonia relative’s DNA also features the story of Private William Moore who lived at Harrietville near Bright.
[In the article, descendant James Moore indicates that he would have preferred for Private Moore’s remains to “come home”, however this would be contrary to the Australian Government Policy for Burial of War Dead which indicates:
“3. …. The Australian Government, acting in conjunction with other British Commonwealth Nations, instituted a policy which prohibited the repatriation of the remains of Commonwealth military members to their homeland. It was further agreed by the Commonwealth Nations that military personnel killed in war would be buried in the nearest War Graves Commission Cemetery to the place of death. …”
A copy of the The Defence Instructions (General) Missing In Action Presumed Killed: Recovery Of Human Remains Of Australian Defence Force Members PERS 20-4 can be downloaded by following the links in the FFFAIF Research item Australian Government Policy for Burial of War Dead.]

258 Private MORLEY John, 31st Battalion: see listing for William John HOWARD: buried at Plot 4 Row E Grave 3.
2055 Private MORGAN Cecil, 31st Battalion: see listing for Colin MEYERS: buried at Plot 1 Row B Grave 7.
1558 Private RANDALL Howard James, 32nd, Battalion: buried at Plot 4 Row D Grave 10;
Private Randall is featured in the article NT link to unmarked war grave in France
916 Private RAWLINGS Frederick, 31st Battalion: buried at Plot 3 Row A Grave 6;
Private Rawlings is featured in the Tweed Daily News article DNA identifies soldier
767 Private TURNER John, 30th Battalion: buried at Plot 2 Row D Grave 6;
Private Turner is also featured in the following media articles:
Herald Sun: Scientists identify bodies at Fromelles
Daily Telegraph: Aussie fallen from Fromelles finally laid to rest
358 Private WEIR Arthur Joseph, 29th Battalion: buried at Plot 1 Row B Grave 4;
Read how little information is available on Arthur Weir in the posting Commemoration.
983 Private WILLIS Henry Victor, 31st Battalion: buried at Plot 2 Row F Grave 11;
Read how Uncle Harry’s Charm helped locate the burial pits at Pheasant Wood, Fromelles.
Private Harry Willis is also featured in the following media articles: First world war soldier’s family welcome discovery of body Teen victim of Australia’s war massacre identified after almost 100 years
The Age: Private Willis identified, not forgotten
The Sydney Morning Herald: DNA tests give names to Fromelles fallen
The Age: ‘This lad now has his name back’: search for lost Digger comes to an end
The Age: Scientists identify lost Diggers of Fromelles
Channel 9 News video: Lost Fromelles Digger identified
4887 Private WILSON Eric Robert, 53rd Battalion buried at Plot 2 Row E Grave 2;
3534 Private WILSON Samuel Charles, 53rd Battalion buried at Plot 2 Row E Grave 1;
Read about three brothers in the same battalion going into battle for the first time at Fromelles with one being wounded and two being killed in action in Together in Battle.
The Wilson brothers are also featured in The Age article: Fromelles Diggers slowly being identified with home
The Canberra Times article Locals among the Fromelles found notes that Private Samuel Charles Wilson was born in Braidwood.
More profiles to follow ………….