*Lambis Reflects

Lambis Englezos AM talks with the Rev. Bill Crews

Lambis Englezos AM reflects on his involvement in the quest for the Australian soldiers not accounted for after the battle of Fromelles in an interviewed on “Sunday Night Crews” with radio Reverend Bill Crews. Sunday Night Crews is heard in Sydney on 2GB 873AM  and in Melbourne on MTR 1377  from 8pm to midnight.


The Families and Friends of the First AIF applauds the joint Australian–UK decision, to conduct a full DNA testing program on the remains of Australian and British soldiers found in mass graves at Pheasant Wood (Fromelles), and for their continuing commitment to identify as many of the fallen as is possible. We also thank the Australian, UK and French governments for affording dignified individual reburials for these soldiers, buried by German soldiers following the Battle of Fromelles on 19/20 July 1916, in the new Fromelles (Pheasant Wood) Military Cemetery.

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