Category Archives: Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Monday 11th November 2013 Remembrance Day (11 November) marks the anniversary of the armistice which ended the First World War (1914–18). Each year Australians observe one minute silence at 11 am on 11 November, in memory of those who died … Continue reading

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11/11 in Belgium

Remembrance Day in Ieper Belgium was very different to the bright sunshine of Canberra. FFFAIF Belgium member Anny Decker sent these photos of the commemorations in a very wet and windy Ieper where the crowds were smaller than anticipated due to … Continue reading

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*11/11/09 in France

Under cold grey autumn skies the people of Fromelles commemorated le 91eme aniversaire de l’Armistice. Commemorations commenced at 10am at VC Corner Cemetery with the laying of wreaths at the base of the Cross of Sacrifice. The commemorations continued under … Continue reading

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*11/11/09 in Sydney

The commemoration of Remembrance Day in Sydney took place at the Cenotaph in Martin Place.  A large crowd gathered in perfect Spring weather  to remember those who have served in the defence of Australia’s freedom and the freedom of others. The Master … Continue reading

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Remembrance Day

11 November 2009 Ninety one years ago on 11 November 1918 at 11 am the guns on the Western Front fell silent after more than 4 years of fighting. Major ceremonies will be held at the Australian War Memorial and … Continue reading

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*The last day of WW1

SBS TV Friday 28th August 2009 at 8.30pm “As It Happened: The last day of World War 1″ The BBC program description is: Broadcaster Michael Palin tells the story of how the First World War ended on 11th November 1918 … Continue reading

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*11/11 in Belgium:1

FFFAIF member Johan Durnez shares his account of Remembrance Day commemorations in Belgium. Members of the Leggett Family had travelled from Australia to join Johan and other locals from Geluwe  on the 90th Anniversary of the signing of the Armistice … Continue reading

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*11/11 in Belgium:2

FFFAIF Belgium member Johan Durnez continues his report on ‘a wonderful and emotional Remembrance Day 2008’, which included the spontaneous presentation of ‘a warm scarf for greatgreatuncle Will’. Johan says: In the night of 10-11 November we had lots of … Continue reading

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11/11 at Fromelles:1

The French village of Fromelles commenced it’s commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the signing of the Armictice, when the villagers gathered on Friday 7 November to preview the television documentary La guerre de Bill – a film which explains the background … Continue reading

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11/11 at Fromelles:2

  Photo: Her Excellency, the Governor-General of Australia, Ms Quentin Bryce AC, with the Australian Ambassador to France, His Excellency Mr David Ritchie, at Fromelles. The Governor-General of Australia, Ms Quentin Bryce AC, visited Fromelles on 9 November 2008. During … Continue reading

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