11/11 in Belgium

Remembrance Day in Ieper Belgium was very different to the bright sunshine of Canberra.

FFFAIF Belgium member Anny Decker sent these photos of the commemorations in a very wet and windy Ieper where the crowds were smaller than anticipated due to the inclement weather.

Anny remembered the soldiers by first going to mass in the Ieper cathedral, where Bishop Putney, the President of the National Council of Churches in Australia was present. 

Photo: Large screen erected in the main square of Ieper to cope with the expected overflow crowd
at the Menin Gate Remembrance Day Service

Photo: The bands assembling for Last Post Remembrance Day Service
at the Menin Gate Ieper

The following photos were taken, at what Anny described as ‘the moving Last Post Service under Menin Gate.’

Photo: Dr Brendan Nelson (right), Ambassador to Belgium,
Luxemburg and the European Union

Photo: Poppies ‘falling’ during the Menin Gate Remembrance Day Service

Members of the  FFFAIF you can read further reports on Remembrance Day commemorations in Belgium by visiting the Members’ Area and read the lastest Waragem Report by FFFAIF member Johan Durnez.


The Families and Friends of the First AIF applauds the joint Australian–UK decision, to conduct a full DNA testing program on the remains of Australian and British soldiers found in mass graves at Pheasant Wood (Fromelles), and for their continuing commitment to identify as many of the fallen as is possible. We also thank the Australian, UK and French governments for affording dignified individual reburials for these soldiers, buried by German soldiers following the Battle of Fromelles on 19/20 July 1916, in the new Fromelles (Pheasant Wood) Military Cemetery.  

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